Energy Investment Opportunities in Greece


The Greek Energy Sector is one of the most active sectors of the Greek economy, offering opportunities for investments.

VK PREMIUM can provide valuable assistance in the areas of market and sector analysis, opportunity assessment, due diligence, feasibility studies, project valuation, etc.

Short presentation of the active projects and investment opportunities in Greece concerning the Energy sector.

Investing in the Greek Energy Sector

Located at the crossroads between East and West, Greece is positioned to play a particularly significant role in the region’s energy sector. The ample availability of renewable energy potential (wind, hydro, biomass, geothermal, solar & solar thermal) combined with ongoing large-scale infrastructure projects involving Greece (TAP Gas Pipeline, oil exploration) mean that the country will be a key player in the formulation of all of Western Europe’s energy mix and will provide significant investment opportunities in the Energy and Energy Saving industries.

The Greek Energy System

The energy sector in Greece is poised to grow significantly in the next years, driven by a number of significant factors:
• the required optimization of the energy mix , which consists of the reduction of fossil-fuel generated electricity and the increased of energy from RES. This shift will be driven both by the revised EU policy of 27% renewable energy sources by 2030, and by the preference for cheaper energy sources such as natural gas
• the liberalization of the electricity and natural gas markets and the further separation of production and supply from transmission networks
• the potential for Greece to become a European gateway for natural gas and oil resources through such projects as the TAP gas pipeline, or the gas and oil drilling opportunities in the Aegean and Ionian seas
• efforts to improve energy efficiency and reduce cost driven by such technologies as smart metering, smart grid technologies, LED lighting, energy efficient buildings etc.
• major infrastructure initiatives such as the interconnection of the Greek islands


Why Greece:

1.Strategic Position
– Greece can become a key player in the transportation of energy from East to West through pipeline projects, electricity grid interconnectivity and alternative means of ensuring Security of Supply through Mediterranean offshore reserves (e.g. LNG terminals).


2.Generation Potential – Due to its climate conditions (Greece enjoys more than 250 days of sunshine—or 3,000 sunny hours—a year, and has many areas of strong winds), the country possesses significant untapped generation potential –particularly in renewables – which can enhance the energy mix for all of Europe.


3.Government support and legislation – the ministries of Energy and Development have spearheaded several major investment projects over the past years, including the TAP natural gas pipeline, the new liquid gas terminal in Revytousa, and major RES investments. This, in combination with Greece’s wide-ranging investment regulatory framework, provides for exceptional opportunities for investment in a number of areas.


Main investment opportunities
• Privatization of state assets
• New infrastructure in natural gas transmission (liquid gas terminals, gas pipelines, gas distribution systems)
• International public Tenders for the Hydrocarbon Exploration in different areas of Greece.
• Renewable energy projects (Wind, , Solar-thermal, Biomass, Small Hydro, Geothermal etc.)
• Energy efficiency businesses and investments
• Grid connectivity for the islands (PPP)